'The Publication of the 2023 Entrust Annual Report', 'July Updates To The EB Guidance Manual', plus 'Recently Published News'.

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LCF Newsletter

August 2023

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RNLA - Summer

In this quarter's update:

Publication of the 2023 Entrust Annual Report  

July Updates to our Guidance Manual for Environmental Bodies   

Managing VAT on Contractor Invoices 

Delivering a Modern Entrust Website

Other News

Publication of the Entrust Annual Report 2022/2023  

We are pleased to announce the publication of our Annual Report. The document highlights Entrust's dedication to efficiently regulating the LCF. It emphasises the organisation's commitment to aiding Environmental Bodies (EBs) via efficient enrolment and project approval processes. Furthermore, it details the steps Entrust has taken to assure HMRC that funds are used in accordance with the 1996 Landfill Tax Regulations.

Key sections of the report include a review of the year from the Chair and Chief Executive, a detailed financial summary, and an overview of the organisation's strategic objectives and performance against these goals. The report also features several case studies that illustrate some of the most impactful projects funded through the LCF during the past year.

For those interested in exploring further details, both the full Annual Report and a concise summary document are available at the link provided below. We extend our gratitude to all our stakeholders for their ongoing support in making the LCF's impact on communities and the environment so profound. 

Click Here to Read Our Annual Report

July Updates to our Guidance Manual for Environmental Bodies

In July, we communicated recent changes and updates to our Guidance Manual, as part of our ongoing commitment to providing EBs with the most current and reliable information. These revisions have been driven by valuable feedback from stakeholders and are designed to empower EBs in navigating the LCF landscape.

EBs can easily access the updated guidance manual at our Guidance Documents webpageAlternatively, for more details on the latest updates to the Guidance Manual please take a look at this news item.

Visit Our Guidance Documents

Managing VAT on Contractor Invoices 

Entrust identified a problem concerning some contractors charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on their invoices, despite not being VAT registered with HMRC. We therefore urge all EBs to ensure that invoices featuring VAT charges also display the contractor's VAT registration number. Invoices that carry VAT but lack a registration number should not be settled and should be returned to the contractor for further clarification. 

If you have any doubts regarding the validity of a VAT number on an invoice, you can confirm its authenticity via this link: https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-vat-number.

Read Our News Item

Delivering a Modern Entrust Website

We are pleased to announce plans for a comprehensive redevelopment of the Entrust website. This project, which is set to kick off later in the month, has a clear focus on enhancing the user experience, improving functionality, and creating a more streamlined and intuitive interface for all site visitors. 

The redevelopment process will be carried out in stages throughout the remainder of the year, with the goal of completing the project by the end of 2023. The new website will not only reflect our commitment to providing accessible and up-to-date information to stakeholders but also our dedication to comprehensively serving the needs of our diverse user base.

Visit Our Current Website

Recently Published Insights 

Stay connected with the latest news and updates regarding the LCF and our responsibilities as the fund's regulator. Click on the headline links to access more information on each topic.

Secure Document Sharing Made Simple: EOL File Sharing—Entrust understands the importance of safeguarding the secure transfer of documents, and we want to remind EBS of our streamlined process designed precisely for this purpose. Whether it's enrolling with us, registering projects, or participating in compliance reviews, EBs can conveniently upload major file formats via Entrust Online (EOL). 

Publication of Top Ten EBs: Action Points—Earlier this year, HMRC, Entrust, and top EBs agreed upon an action plan to develop the LCF lifecycle model, improve application processes, and streamline operations by November 30, 2023. We are currently evaluating the use of LCF funding for Electric Vehicle Charging Points, while EBs are working to enhance project information reporting and compliance with Landfill Tax Regulations, with various deadlines set throughout 2023.

Recruiting Non-Exec Board Members—Entrust is seeking to appoint two new Non-Executive Directors to the Board, with a focus on candidates possessing various skills, including governance, IT, equality promotion, and regulatory experience. For more information and to express interest, interested parties can visit the vacancies page on the Entrust website or contact Christopher Welford, the Chief Executive.

Learn from Real-World Examples—Entrust has published several casestudies looking at the impact the LCF is having on communities and environmental concerns across England & Northern Ireland. You can access these case studies on Our LinkedIn page.

Publication of 2022/2023 Benchmarking Data—On 16th June 2023, we released anonymised metrics on the LCF for 2022/2023, enabling EBs to compare their performance with others. The metrics cover administration costs, unspent and uncommitted funds, landfill operator requirements, risk scores, non-compliant recommendations, and project information, presented in quartiles or bands to identify areas for improvement.

Explore Our Latest News Stories

Training from Entrust

Our upcoming Basic Training dates are:

Thursday 12th October 2023: 10:00—12:30GMT.

Our Basic Training sessions are entirely free to attend and are held online via Zoom, and usually last around 2.5 hours in duration. They are perfect for those wanting to understand the LCF and the obligations of enrolled EBs, as well as how to manage projects and complete statutory reporting forms. You can book to attend on our training booking page.

We have a number of guides and training resources on our website which support EBs in all of their LCF activities and responsibilities. These can be accessed on the 'Resources and How To Guides' page of the website. Our introductory videos and our online training module can be accessed on the 'Entrust Training' page.

We continually review our training resources, if you would like a guide on a specific topic and you can't find what you need please call our Helpline on 01926 488 300 for support and guidance.

Book to attend one of our Basic Training sessions

Who Is Entrust & Why Am I Receiving This Email?

Entrust is the regulator of the LCF, an innovative tax credit scheme which allows Landfill Site Operators to reduce their tax liability in exchange for contributing money to registered EBs. In turn, these EBs deliver projects that benefit communities and environments in the vicinity of landfill sites.

Since the LCF was established in 1996, it has supported circa 62,000 projects with a total value of more than £1.7 billion, making it one of the most successful environmental tax credit schemes in operation. 

We at Entrust work tirelessly and objectively to make sure that LCF monies are spent in compliance with the Regulations—and we do it with the aim of making a difference for communities and environments across England and Northern Ireland.

Our communication typically targets the main contact of an EB. However, our quarterly e-Newsletters are also dispatched to all those who have subscribed via the Entrust website.


If you have subscribed to our e-newsletters in error and you have no involvement with the LCF please email communications@entrust.org.uk and you will be removed from the email list. 

You should not unsubscribe if you are an enrolled EB as it will mean you miss vital information and reminders about your statutory obligations. You should also not use the unsubscribe function if this email was forwarded to you.

If you are no longer the main contact for your EB please contact us to update the main contact details by emailing helpline@entrust.org.uk or call 01926 488 300.

Please note unsubscribing from this email does not remove your statutory obligations to the LCF. If you would like to leave the scheme please read about revocation on our website. 

The Environmental Trust Scheme Regulatory Body trading as ENTRUST.

Head Office: 60 Holly Walk, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 4JE

Company Reg No. 03221000

Copyright: ENTRUST all rights reserved